Monday, April 13, 2015


So everyone's coming down on me for not really not eating sugar.

But it's honey, I say, topping my Fage.

That's sugar, Ma says. Same thing.

Back me up here, honey, I tell TCF, but he agrees with Granny.

"Yup, that granola's got 17g of sugar," Granny says, pushing the bag at me.

"But it's like one pinch I'm adding. Right Doggy? That doesn't count."

TCF answers with a laugh, trying not to take sides. He is humoring me, along with everyone else. Everyone else who knows I've been a sugar addict since in utero.

If the entire point is to sit with the cravings and not give in, well, yes, I've done well with chocolate and Soy Delicious and frozen yoghurt... those have been some intense cravings that I've waded through. But, does it not count if I still have my daily usuals? It's not like I want to freebase honey and granola the way I want to with chocolate. Do I sound like an addict now?

But some of my best friends are honey and granola...


  1. If you have an "open relationship" with being sugar free you are totally not cheating with honey/granola. ;-)

  2. J/K Wasn't the deal straight up sugar - cake, chocolate, candy, cookies, etc? I am not giving up my 17g soy lattes! I'm just not.

  3. Oh Katie, you bust me up. You are so funny. Open relationship is right. And the good thing is, sugar sugar doesn't give a hang if I make out with honey or granola or evaporated cane sugar or agave because sugar sugar knows that all those things are just gateway sugars, subtle sugars, those talking crazy makin sugars that get me placeboed up pretty good. Now that would be a fun dialogue.
    Sugar Sugar: So, honey, what do you think you're doing hanging out with her? You got nothin on me...
    Honey: Oh Sugar Sugar... you just envy me because I am from the grace of a bee, while you just come from an ugly plant...
